
JAVii is the alias for Jasmine Viana, an artist in a constant state of transformation. Born and raised in Miami FL, JAVii double majored in fine art and graphic design through high school and into college, before furthering her understanding of the arts with a year spent studying painting and sculpture in Florence, Italy.

JAVii’s work merges her love of digitally altered images, poetry, conceptual portraiture and sexuality, with symbolic mixed media to illustrate deeply personal and vulnerable life experiences. JAVii’s recent series “The Language of Flowers” explores her bisexual nature through large-scale mixed media pieces composed of vibrant color combinations, collaged elements and consensually gifted images from her past female partners.

“By revealing these intimate and extremely vulnerable sides of my life in such a romantically artistic way I want others to look inside themselves and find what pieces of their own story they are hiding and why.I believe that everyone holds a very fragile part of themselves which, when revealed with any means of artistry, can become something absolutely exquisite.”  

the language of flowers

This continuous series, titled 'The Language of Flowers,' explores my bisexuality and the profound impact my relationships with women have had on me. Every feminine soul has brought tenderness and insight into my life; As I make each piece I have a conversation with the specific woman about our time together and how we both felt with one another, I then get her consent to use an image she gifts to me for the portrait piece, receiving full consent from each women is the most poignant part of this body of work (proof of full consent is available upon request).

The final detail of the works is a letter I ask each woman to write of her interpretation of our first time together, which I seal in an envelope and attach to the back of the art work. The wooden panel is cut into a circle to mimic the softness of the feminine form and to symbolize how we are portals for life. The color scheme reflects each woman's one-of-a-kind aura, and the collaged flowers surrounding her communicate hidden meanings, as a way of secret romantic communication from Renaissance times. Symbols, meaningful images, animals and objects which all pertain to the specific relationship and the memories we shared flow out from the woman's mind. The bejeweled bird wings allude to her heavenly nature, while the hand-sculpted baroque frame implies a royal element that the female form is to be worshipped. A unique necklace is chosen for each woman to correspond with her persona and she is displayed on a background of gold calligraphy composed of poetry I wrote about her. My purpose in creating these mixed media portraits about female intimacy is to share this other side of myself which drops all fear and allows for freedom to move me into a place of open discovery. These beautiful relationships have provided deep healing and life-altering self-realizations in their own unique ways. If I can be this vulnerable and honest about who I truly am, both sexually and mentally, I will inspire others to free themselves as well.